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Dunks, three-pointers, plays invented out of nowhere, and, above all, an offensive instinct above the normal: this is what, in small part, represents the best scorers in history who hold the record for points in the NBA. Here are the updated standings.
NBA point record: the best scorers in history
Small premise: the ranking of the best in history is made up of data that refers only to the regular season. Therefore, all points scored during the playoffs are not counted. Below are the top five positions in the standings, with the NBA points record holder in first place.
NBA point record in a game: whose is it?
It’s ok to score a lot during the season, but who scored the most NBA points in one game? The answer is Wilt Chamberlain, who with his Philadelphia Warriors scored 100 points against the New York Knicks in a 1962 match. Immediately after him in this special ranking comes Kobe Bryant, who in 2006 scored 81 points against the Toronto Raptors. Michael Jordan, on the other hand, scored 69 points against the Cleveland Cavaliers in 1990. Among active basketball players, however, the record belongs to Stephen Curry, who in 2021 allowed his team to win with 61 points scored in the challenge against the Portland Trail Blazers, who finished 137-122.
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